Why Are Medical Exams Important During Immigration?

Panel Physician provides accurate Immigration Medical Exams (IMEs) in clean facilities throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Let our government-approved Panel Physicians show you why these exams are an important part of the immigration process.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Immigration medical exams (IMEs) are required for newcomers to Canada—including visitors, students, temporary workers, and permanent residents.

  • An IME must be conducted by a panel physician who has been approved by the Government of Canada.

  • Each IME involves a health questionnaire, a physical, and potential X-rays or laboratory testing for specific conditions.

  • During an IME, your physician will not examine your rectal or genital areas, and you have the right to request a chaperone to be present at any time during the exam.

Why Are Medical Exams Important During Immigration?

Immigrating to a new country is often exciting, but it can also be stressful. In addition to filling out paperwork, completing your police check, and coordinating your travel plans, you’ll also need to have a medical exam carried out by a Panel Physician approved by the Government of Canada. But why is this step required, and what does it involve?

At Panel Physician, we provide government-approved medical exams for immigrants, refugees, and other visitors to Canada. Let us tell you why these exams are so important and show you what to expect so you can schedule your appointment with confidence.

Why IMEs Are Essential for Newcomers to Canada

Newcomer to Canada submitting documents to member of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada

They Provide Essential Data for Immigration, Refugees, & Citizenship Canada (the IRCC)

Immigration Medical Exams give immigration officials vital information about your health as they review your application. This information helps them ensure that you do not have pre-existing conditions that could create a significant:

  • Risk to public health: Whether you carry any infectious diseases or conditions that could potentially spread within the Canadian population, thereby posing a threat to the collective health of the community.

  • Risk to public safety: Whether you have any medical conditions or mental health issues that could lead to behaviour found potentially harmful to the public, such as violence or an inability to adhere to safety norms.

  • Demand on public healthcare services: Whether you have a health condition that could require extensive and costly medical treatment or care, thereby placing a substantial burden on Canada's public healthcare system.

Remember: the health issues that exist in Canada differ greatly from the health issues in many other countries around the world. Health screening upon entry is a vital part of keeping Canada’s population safe—including all newcomers who plan to visit, live, work, or study here.

Document checklist for Canadian Citizenship application on top of Canadian flag to represent importance of submitting complete Immigration Medical Exam

Your Immigration Application Isn’t Complete without an IME

IMEs are typically required for all newcomers to Canada unless special exemptions are in place. This includes:

  • Anyone who is applying for permanent residence.

  • Any accompanying family members of a newcomer who is applying for permanent residence.

  • Visitors who intend to remain in Canada for more than six months.

  • Visitors remaining in Canada for less than six months who will be working in any job where protecting public health is considered essential. Learn more about who must complete an IME.

The Risks of Applying without a Completed IME

If you immigrate to Canada without completing an Immigration Medical Exam (IME), you are likely to face significant issues. Here's what could happen:

  • Inadmissibility: Without a completed IME, you may be found inadmissible to Canada.

  • Delay or Denial of Visa: If you do not complete an IME, your immigration process could be delayed. In some cases, this could lead to a denial of your visa or permanent residency application.

  • Legal Complications: Entering Canada without fulfilling all legal immigration requirements, including the IME, can create legal complications. This might include being ordered to leave Canada or facing a ban on future entry.

  • Healthcare Access: Depending on your immigration status, you might not be eligible for Canadian healthcare benefits if you haven't completed the required medical exams.

  • Regularization of Status: If you manage to enter Canada but later seek to regularize your status, the lack of a completed IME could be a significant obstacle.

Smiling older woman during Immigration Medical Exam as part of process for becoming Permanent Resident in Canada

Medical Exams Are a Vital Part of Immigrating to Canada

Immigration medical exams ensure that newcomers to Canada are prepared to live rich, full lives that improve their communities and contribute to the fabric of our nation. Booking your IME with a government-approved Panel Physician ensures that you can submit a complete application to the IRCC and reduces the chance of any unnecessary errors or delays during processing.

To schedule an appointment for your immigration medical exam, contact Panel Physician today. We operate five locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area and send all complete medical reports directly to the Canadian Government so that you can rest assured the results of your IME have been received in full.

Smiling healthcare worker with patient information sheet prior to conducting Immigration Medical Exam

Frequently Asked Questions about Medical Exams for Immigrants

Does Everyone Have to Take a Medical Exam Before Immigrating to Canada?

In most cases, yes. However, some newcomers may have completed a medical outside of Canada prior to entry.

In some cases, refugees from specific areas who require immediate assistance may be asked to take the MDT (Medical Diagnostic Test) instead of the IME.

Learn More: IME vs. MDT Requirements

Who Can Perform an Immigration Medical Exam?

Immigration Medical Exams cannot be carried out by your own doctor; they must be performed by a government-approved Panel Physician.

Learn More: What Is An IRCC Panel Physician?

What Are My Rights During an Immigration Medical Exam?

When you undergo an Immigration Medical Exam, you have the right to a chaperone. This means you can ask a staff member or family member to stay in the room with you while your exam is conducted. You can also change your mind at any time during your exam, so it’s possible to have a chaperone come in during the process even if you refused one at first.

You also have the right to stop the exam at any point and ask the doctor to clarify what they are doing and why. This helps ensure your comfort, safety, and dignity during the exam.

What Tests Are in the Immigration Medical Exam?

Each IME involves:

  • A review of your medical history

  • A physical examination

  • Additional diagnostic testing depending on your age or circumstances

These additional tests may include a urine sample, laboratory tests, and X-rays. If the results of those tests indicate the presence of conditions that require further investigation, you may be required to see a specialist as well.

Learn More: What Tests Are in an Immigration Medical Exam (& Why Are They Required)?

What Should I Bring to an Immigration Medical Exam?

You’ll need to take several things to your IME, including:

  • At least one piece of government-issued photo ID with your signature (for example, your passport or national identity card)

  • Any corrective lenses that you need to see clearly (i.e. glasses or contacts)

  • A list of any medications you are currently taking

  • Any medical reports and test results you have received for previous or current conditions

Learn More: How to Prepare for Your Immigration Medical Exam


5 Things You Need Before Becoming a Permanent Resident of Canada


What Tests Are in An Immigration Medical Exam (and Why Are They Required?)