A caring team of medical specialists


We are a clinic that specializes in providing Canadian immigration medicals for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Our Panel Physicians have been completing immigration medicals for over 20 years providing fast and efficient service to our clients. All our doctors are members of IPPA (International Panel Physician Association) and are continually updating their skills.


Safe & Friendly

All of our clinics have important safety measures in place to help keep you safe.

  • Icon of a face mask on a red background

    Masks & Screening

    All staff, patients, and visitors are screened upon entry and must wear a mask in our facilities.

  • Two person icons with an arrow between them on a red background

    Waiting Room Safegaurds

    We’ve added dividers, properly spaced chairs, hand sanitizer stations, and more for your protection.

  • Icon of a hand with water droplets, symbolizing handwashing, on a red circular background.

    Cleaning Protocols

    Every patient is treated in areas that have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

  • White thermometer icon on red circular background

    Temperature Checks

    Thermal scanners identify those with a fever when entering our facilities so proper precautions can be taken.

Stethoscope Icon

We’re here to help you!