Panel Physician

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The Health and Character Requirements for Immigrating to Canada

Summary of Key Points:

  • Immigrants to Canada must undergo an Immigration Medical Exam (IME) conducted by a government-approved Panel Physician. The exam usually includes a general physical examination, chest X-rays, blood tests, and urine tests.

  • The IME aims to identify any health conditions that might result in excessive demand on Canadian health or social services or pose a public health risk, including communicable diseases and significant mental health disorders.

  • Immigrants must also provide police certificates from every country where they've lived for six months or more since age 18. This help assess the risk of past criminal behaviour to Canadian safety and security.

  • If potential health or character issues are identified, options like providing a treatment plan, proof of insurance, or applying for criminal rehabilitation might be available. Transparency and upfront disclosure of any potential issues are crucial for a smooth application process.

The Health and Character Requirements for Immigrating to Canada

Moving to Canada can open up incredible opportunities, but there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet in order to apply successfully. Some of these are health-related, like Immigration Medical Exams. Others are character requirements that help the government assess the ways in which you might contribute to society after moving here.

Below, our team at Panel Physician has compiled a list of the essential health and character requirements you’ll need to meet in order to immigrate to Canada successfully. Read on so that you can use this information in your application.

Health Requirements

To protect the health of Canadian residents, immigrants are required to meet certain health standards. The process begins with a mandatory Immigration Medical Exam (IME).

All IMEs must be conducted by a physician approved by the Canadian government. This is known as a Panel Physician.

Learn More: What Is An IRCC Authorized Panel Physician? 8 Common Questions Answered

Immigration Medical Exams

You will need to undergo an IME when applying for permanent residency, as well as some temporary resident applications like work or study permits. This is to screen for conditions that may require significant health and social services. For most people, the exam includes:

  • A general physical examination

  • Chest X-rays

  • Blood tests

  • Urine tests

Learn More: What Tests Are in An Immigration Medical Exam (and Why Are They Required?)


The primary purpose of the IME is to identify any health conditions that might pose a public health risk or result in excessive demand on Canadian health or social services. Conditions primarily screened for include:

  • Communicable diseases

  • Significant mental health disorders

  • Other health conditions that require ongoing care

Learn More: Why Are Medical Exams Important During Immigration?

Identifying Health Issues

The purpose of the IME is to identify any major health conditions that may require specific treatments while in Canada. Always inform your Panel Physician of previously diagnosed conditions, including:

  • Pregnancy

  • Developmental disorders or mental illnesses

  • HIV/AIDs or other sexually transmitted infections

  • Tuberculosis

  • Cardiovascular or respiratory diseases

  • Chronic disorders (chronic joint pain, etc.)

  • Past operations or treatments

  • A history of blackouts, seizures/epilepsy, etc.

  • Diabetes

  • A history of alcohol or drug abuse

Disclosing this information helps your application be processed faster and prevents unnecessary delays.

Learn More: How to Prepare for Your Immigration Medical Exam

Character Requirements

In addition to verifying your health status, it is critical for the Government of Canada to ensure that new residents will positively contribute to the community and adhere to legal standards. This is assessed through various character requirements, including police certificates.

Note that the Government of Canada may also conduct background checks on anyone applying to immigrate to the country—however, these typically do not require the applicant to submit specific additional documentation.

Police Certificates

You must provide police certificates from every country or territory where you have lived for six months or more since the age of 18.

These certificates help the Canadian immigration authorities to determine if you have a history of criminal behavior.


The purpose of requesting police certificates is to ensure that potential immigrants do not have past criminal activities that might pose a risk to the safety and security of Canadian citizens and residents.

How to Deal with Complications

If you have a criminal record, it doesn’t automatically disqualify you from immigrating to Canada.  You may be able to apply for rehabilitation or a record suspension, depending on:

  • The nature and severity of the crime

  • How long ago it occurred

  • How you have conducted yourself since

It is crucial to be transparent and provide all necessary documentation and explanations concerning any past offenses in your application. This includes any previous immigration violations.

Understand the Requirements Before Applying to Immigrate

By meeting the above health and character requirements, you ensure that you not only protect the well-being of Canadian residents but also contribute positively to your new community in Canada. Taking these requirements seriously and ensuring that you meet them is the best way to submit a successful immigration application as a prospective permanent resident, student, or visitor to Canada.

When it’s time for your IME, Panel Physician can help. Book your appointment at any of our five locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area today so that we can complete an accurate exam for you and submit the results directly to the Government of Canada on your behalf.